
You can monitor various aspects of your customer's contract and usage.

Add a monitor

  1. Click on Monitoring in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on the ADD MONITOR button.
  3. Fill in the following details:
  • Monitor name: a descriptive name for the monitor.
  • Monitor description: add a description for the monitor.
  • Monitor source: choose from Contract and Usage Aggregate.

Select contract

  1. Click on the Select Contract dropdown.
  2. Select the contract you would like to add monitors for.

The example contract, A Simple Contract, has only one flat-fee based product.

  1. Click on the newly added Select Item dropdown.
  1. Select itmes:
  • You can add monitors for various aspects of the billing period, such as:
    • end_date: end date of the billing period.
    • start_date: start date of the billing period.
    • cycle_length: how many days/weeks/months/years does a billing cycle last.
    • cycle_unit: unit of the cycle (day/week/month/year).
    • cycle_start_date: start date of the billing cycle.
    • contract_start_date: start date of the contract.
  • You can add monitors for various aspects of a product. The aspects are dependent on the product.
    • For example, for a flat-fee-based product, amount, billed_amount, and billed_days can be selected.
    • For example, for a volume-pricing-based product, only amount can be monitored.
  • You can add a monitor for invoice by selecting invoice_total.

Select usage aggregate


Coming soon

View a monitor

  1. Click on Monitoring in the left sidebar.
  2. All available monitors will be listed on the Monitoring page.
  1. Click on the monitor you are interested in.
  2. A panel will appear on the right side. Select the following parameters to view the monitor:
  • Customer: select the customer.
  • Select date: select the date for which you want to view the monitor.
  • Net or increment: The net value of the monitor or the increment compared to the previous day.

What’s Next

Checkout the API Docs section for our client facing APIs for integrating it in your Product/Analytics Dashboards.